Assets Moving to EU from London

New report suggests Brexit has spurred $1 trillion in asset transfers and may result in more than 7,000 financial services jobs shifting away from the U.K.

Banks, insurers, and money managers are planning to move about 800 billion pounds (US$1 trillion) of assets from the U.K. to the rest of Europe as Brexit uncertainty takes its toll, according to a survey conducted by consulting firm EY.

The firm said its estimate may be low because many firms haven’t publicly declared the value of assets being transferred. According to another group’s estimate, as much as 800 billion euros of balance-sheet assets could move to Frankfurt alone. EY said its “conservative” estimate is based on statements from 20 companies that have announced a transfer of assets out of London.

More than 7,000 jobs could relocate from London soon, EY said, though companies are trying to hire locally because of the costs of moving staff. About 2,000 new roles are being added in Paris, Frankfurt, Dublin, and other cities in the European Union (EU) by financial firms which so far have been moving only essential staff from London, according to the report.

From: Bloomberg

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