What's Happening to Your Cash?

Find out why you should take our quick editorial survey on trends in cash management.

As global markets become increasingly volatile and uncertain, cash management practices have to evolve. To keep up, treasurers need to know how their company’s cash management compares with that of peers and competitors. Treasury & Risk is working to gather this information—and we need your help.

All you have to do is participate in our 2019 Cash Management Survey sometime this week. Completing the survey should take less than 15 minutes, and all responses will be kept completely anonymous. The information you provide will help Treasury & Risk gain, and share, insights into how corporate treasury functions are responding to the external environment. The results will populate an article similar to last year’s cash management survey feature.

In addition to knowing they’re contributing to the collective treasury knowledge base, all participants who finish the survey and provide an email address will receive a research report with the complete aggregated survey results. The report will show trends in cash management, such as how companies’ cash reserves are changing in size, where they’re parking short-term cash, and whether they’ve changed their investment policy in the recent past. Participants who complete the full survey will also be entered to win a $200 American Express gift card.

Don’t hesitate: Take our survey today, to help us take the pulse of corporate cash management!