2019 Alexander Hamilton Awards: Best Practices in Restricted/Emerging Markets

Congratulations to Flywire, Microsoft, and PingPong!

Doing business abroad brings myriad challenges for treasury teams, from currency exchange issues to language and cultural differences to regulatory and political considerations. Doing business in markets where funds transfers are tightly controlled by the government ratchets up those challenges to another level. Moving cash across borders is notoriously difficult in many emerging markets. And developing visibility into account balances and funds flows can require a huge amount of manual effort.

The winners of the 2019 Alexander Hamilton Awards in the category Best Practices in Restricted/Emerging Markets found innovative and effective ways to overcome these challenges:

All three companies emphasize the importance of working with knowledgeable partners in emerging markets. “If we’d walked into the RBI [Reserve Bank of India] up front, by ourselves, and said, ‘We’re going to take all this digital and online, as an American offshore company,’ I don’t think the conversation would have gone much past that point in time,” says Ryan Frere, executive vice president of global payments for Flywire. “Our case is much stronger if it’s coming from a financial institution that is registered in-market than if it’s coming from us. So we frequently pursue these types of joint conversations with central banks to get approval for our model. And that’s how it worked in this case.”

Congratulations to Flywire, Microsoft, and PingPong for their outstanding initiatives! And thank you to the judges of this year’s competition: Jean-Francois Heitz, former deputy CFO and treasurer of Microsoft; Craig Jeffery, managing partner of Strategic Treasurer; Marie Hollein, former president and CEO of Financial Executives International; and Prashant Patri, a principal in Deloitte’s Global Treasury Advisory Services practice.

Finally, thank you very much to Citi, GTreasury, and ION for sponsoring this year’s Alexander Hamilton Awards program!