4 Steps to Implement Covid Screening Procedures

Organizations that want to establish a pre-entry screening process should identify and designate a screening area in each company location.

The screening areas must be conducive to maintenance of physical distancing. Every employee, customer, contractor, and visitor to the site will need to go through the screening process before entering. Thus, the screening area needs to be easily accessible to everyone who will be screened. Those wishing to enter the building should not have to walk through a populated workspace (e.g., locker room, cafeteria) to reach the screening area.

Once the company has designated the screening area, it should take four steps to ensure its pre-entry screening process is effective:

1. Prepare the screening area.

2. Ask each employee, contractor, and visitor to the location a series of screening questions.

3. Conduct a temperature check.


4. Sanitize the screening site.

See also: