2021 Alexander Hamilton Awards: Best Practices in Restricted/Emerging Markets

Congratulations to Microsoft!

Doing business in markets that are heavily regulated is challenging for any company, and especially so for a multinational that has outposts in countries around the world. Few organizations experience this challenge as acutely as Microsoft does, because few do business in as many nations.

Microsoft keeps its broad business manageable by standardizing processes wherever possible. Sometimes, though, there are jurisdictions where the common way of doing things in most places on earth simply won’t work. This is the situation Microsoft encountered when Covid-19 led customers in most every market to request terms extensions. The company’s usual payment financing solution was not an option in some locales.

The innovative solution developed by the Global Treasury and Financial Services group won Microsoft the 2021 Gold Alexander Hamilton Award in the category Best Practices in Restricted/Emerging Markets.

Congratulations to Microsoft on this outstanding initiative! And thank you to the judges of the competition: Jean-Francois Heitz, former deputy CFO and treasurer of Microsoft; Erik Smolders, former treasurer of Ingram Micro and a vice president in Deloitte’s Global Treasury Advisory Services practice; Craig Jeffery, managing partner of Strategic Treasurer; and Marie Hollein, former president and CEO of Financial Executives International.

Finally, thank you very much to FinLync, ICD, GTreasury, Kyriba, and C2FO for sponsoring the 2021 Alexander Hamilton Awards program.

Treasury & Risk will continue presenting our 2021 Alexander Hamilton Awards in a series of articles and webcasts throughout the year.