Considerations in Conducting Tax Due Diligence in Business Acquisitions

How purchasers should look at federal income tax aspects of tax due diligence in preparation for an M&A transaction.

Mark Lubin of Chamberlain, Hrdlicka, White, Williams & Aughtry. 

Tax due diligence in business acquisitions involves investigating the target business to assess any tax exposure that could potentially affect the purchaser. Details of due diligence processes vary depending on the size and complexity of the target business, the transaction budget, and the sophistication of accountants and other advisers, but they are usually intricate and time-sensitive.

Errors can result in substantial tax liability and exposure.

Diligence Objectives

Tax diligence priorities and approaches differ considerably, just as acquisition structures vary. Those conducting the due diligence must understand the company’s objectives and tailor their diligence procedures to meet those objectives, taking into account deal-specific factors.

One fundamental objective of due diligence is understanding the potential liabilities of the target business for pre-acquisition periods that may affect the buyer after the acquisition. These can include unreported or under-reported taxes imposed on the target; liabilities of affiliated entities that were included, at any time, in consolidated tax returns or tax-sharing agreements with the target; and liabilities of entities previously acquired by the target. Buyer exposure to such liabilities can sometimes be mitigated through adjustments to the transaction structure.

Prior target actions can constrain post-acquisition buyer action. Due diligence objectives should include determining the existence of such constraints. Where they are uncovered, their impact can sometimes be mitigated.

Taxable entity targets often possess tax attributes that are valuable to the purchaser, such as basis in target assets and loss and credit carryovers. Especially where the buyer relies on (and pays for) those attributes, their existence and value should be corroborated.

Scope and Process Considerations

Targets vary in shape and size, affecting diligence scope and details. Entity acquisitions generally involve greater potential exposure than asset deals, with taxable target entities (i.e., C corporations) presenting the greatest exposure. Corporations other than the target may need to be examined if the target has been included in consolidated federal income tax returns (participating corporations are subject to joint and several liability for taxes of every corporation in the group) or was a party to a tax sharing or similar agreement. Additional exposure can also apply to targets that hold or previously held interests in “pass-through” entities such as partnerships.

S corporations and LLCs are generally taxed on a pass-through basis, with income taxes reported at the owner level. That may reduce the scope of the due diligence, but exposure for employment and other taxes should not be overlooked. Those conducting due diligence should also corroborate that a purported S corporation target made an S election and qualifies for such treatment. S corporations that were previously C corporations may be subject to excess passive income and built-in gains taxes.

Asset acquisitions typically involve less exposure than entity-level deals. Where target assets include interests in subsidiaries, entity diligence considerations apply to those subsidiaries. Also, while some stock acquisitions may be treated as asset acquisitions for certain tax purposes (such as by reason of Section 338(h)(10) elections), entity-level exposures typically remain with the target in those transactions.

Partnerships (including LLCs taxable as such) are generally not subject to entity-level income taxes but can be subject to other entity-level taxes. Also, LLCs taxable on a pass-through basis may be subject to entity-level exposure as the successor to other entities in acquisitions or due to status as a former taxable entity.

While state and local taxes are beyond the scope of this article, sales and use taxes (and associated procedural requirements) often present material exposure in entity and asset acquisitions.

Making the Most of Due Diligence Opportunities

While scope and procedures of diligence can differ, time and access to seller resources are usually limited. Sellers will typically make documentary materials available to the buyer and its advisers and allow them to speak with key seller tax personnel. The buyer needs to make the most of those opportunities.

First, early in the process, the buyer’s tax due diligence team should determine the target’s ownership structure, the types of business it conducts, significant transactions it has engaged in, tax planning it has done, and the identity of its relevant personnel. Recent target tax returns and financial reports can be helpful in obtaining this information. A preliminary issues checklist should be prepared based on that review, and it can be updated throughout the process to track documents reviewed and other efforts made.

Sample due diligence checklists available online can represent a good starting point, but the checklist should be tailored to the target and transaction structure. The buyer’s team should also agree with the seller on a process and timetable (which should be subject to adjustment to reflect items that arise during due diligence). Buyer accountants or other advisers can help in developing the checklist and timetable.

As due diligence progresses, the buyer’s team should coordinate with other parties regarding requests for documents and other information. The diligence process should also include at least one meeting with target tax leadership and nontax personnel with knowledge of matters that could affect tax exposures. An agenda for any such meeting should be prepared, and sufficient time should be allocated to all topics that may involve material exposure.

As documents are obtained and reviewed, the buyer’s team should continually consider potential exposures and the possible need for further investigation based on newly discovered issues. The buyer’s team should coordinate and leverage the abilities of other buyer advisers, if involved.

Upon the conclusion of the due diligence, the buyer or other interested parties will often require written reports. A fulsome tax diligence checklist can provide a good framework for such a report. Due diligence checklists and reports should be regarded as sensitive documents; they are unlikely to remain confidential. Also, exposures isolated in the diligence process and discussed in due diligence reports are generally excluded from representations and warranties coverage (where obtained).

Advance planning, careful organization, and coordination with other advisers are critical to the effective conduct of tax diligence engagements.

Mark L. Lubin is special counsel at Chamberlain Hrdlicka, where his practice focuses on tax planning and complex business transactions. He can be reached at

From: The Legal Intelligencer