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To fund buybacks of some of its current debt, CVS is expected to issue hybrid securities in the range of $2 billion to $2.5 billion.
With September's order books now closed, the velocity of debt sales is becoming clear, shattering records from New York to Beijing.
The streaming giant sold $1.8 billion of debt in two parts.
EU approval paved the way for a proposed acquisition of VMware. Now Broadcom needs $32 billion to fund the deal.
The trend is a sign that soaring bond yields are spurring corporations to look at ways to cut their borrowing costs.
Because there are fewer M&A deals to finance, lenders are focusing on giving loans to corporations looking to cover rising expenses amid high inflation.
Global yields have experienced a dramatic turnaround from August, when more than $1.5 trillion of debt—most of it in Europe—came with a subzero yield.