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Recent research from Chatham Financial indicates where companies face exposures and how they’re mitigating the risk.
Part 2 of 2: How corporate treasury teams can plan, design, and build an effective program for ongoing commodity risk management.
Part 1 of 2: Companies with a reactive risk management program may be caught out when commodity prices become volatile.
Why a hedging policy sits at the crux of effective financial risk management.
What's coming is likely similar to what Wall Street faced after 2009: Commodity derivatives will begin to experience a lot more supervision.
Many companies do not understand the scope of their interest rate, currency, and commodity price risks. That knowledge gap has the potential to blow up corporate planning processes.
FASBs simpler rules could encourage more companies to hedge their exposures.
Alexander Hamilton Award winners in Financial Risk Management discuss how they manage and mitigate FX, interest rate, and commodity exposures.
Why companies need to manage commodity risks in the same way they manage currency and interest rate exposures.