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What legislation is on the horizon, what increased enforcement may look like, and how companies can prepare for optimal compliance.
"As the largest employer in the world, Amazon makes clear that it does not believe the law applies to it."
The decision may turbocharge challenges to the agency's efforts on everything from crypto to insider trading.
Businesses and governments are "grappling with how to set boundaries while staying competitive in the technology transformation race."
"There are very powerful tools out there that the government is using, and they're clearly going to get better and better."
"The DOJ and FTC's misguided suit against RealPage is not supported by antitrust jurisprudence, and $7 trillion in economic growth is on the line."
Why checks and balances of the courts, as well as SEC enforcement, are critical to maintaining the strength of U.S. markets.
Companies with any international operations should ensure they have a robust written policy and compliance program focused on anti-bribery and -corruption.
"This is yet another attempt to advance an agenda without statutory authority."
"The SEC has no role as to climate risk itself, but we do have a role with regard to disclosures," SEC Chair Gary Gensler said.