The Justice Department and FTC expect companies to "preserve and produce any and all responsive documents, including data from ephemeral messaging applications designed to hide evidence."
The DOL's complaint against BCBSM, as well as the series of lawsuits against other TPAs and insurers, may redefine the landscape of fiduciary responsibilities and the role of TPAs in plan administration.
Customers lost at least $2.3 million when funds they thought Debiex was using to trade digital assets on their behalf allegedly disappeared into individuals' digital wallets.
What employers may not realize is that if the courts uphold the recent California laws, then California has the ability to invalidate any non-compete agreement that an employer signs with an employee.
The conglomerate announced its plan to halt pensions for non-union workers shortly after IBM's announcement that it will resurrect defined-benefit plans.
Court watchers anticipate an influx of lawsuits, not from new hires so much as from existing employees who see their employer's pay scales for the first time.