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IT2 Treasury Solutions to provide real-time, enterprise-wide visibility of cash and risk.
Next-Gen Sybase IQ15 server loads most recent data simultaneously from anywhere in company.
Companies need to evaluate the compensation structure and length of tenure for the position of chief risk officer to ensure more autonomy.
Business Suite 7 allows enhancements to be made to specific processes, like the new treasury component, reducing costs and timeline.
Two enhancements aim to help prevent fraud and ease reporting and reconciliation.
Checkpoint's new tools offer a top-down, risk-based approach for conducting internal audits.
Are taxpayers on the hook for hundreds of billions of dollars for a credit crisis that may have been overblown? Who is the bailout really helping?
In planning risk management, look beyond plausible scenarios, draw down credit ahead of daily needs and reconsider the leverage.
401(k) hardship withdrawals and borrowing rise, leading to worries that workers will have even less funds for retirement.