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Business intelligence allows companies to drill down to see which units need attention
Sarbanes-Oxley and investor cynicism are making executives more circumspect about making their next big deal
With investors and ratings agencies, midsize companies often find themselves overshadowed by dominant multinationals in their industry
With liquidity in vogue and rates low, treasurers look for bang from bucks
Cards are leading the charge by finance to get better control of corporate spending
It's not just another software upgrade. Business Performance Management is about defining your company's key metrics that matter now and in the future
Absenteeism-creep begins to worry corporations as the population ages. But companies are learning that not all the added costs are necessary
Suddenly, Sarbanes-Oxley has made a CFO on your board the answer to all corporate governance problems
Despite the trauma of 9/11, many companies lack full contingency plans