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Sea levels rising faster along one stretch of Atlantic.
Banks that receive aid could be forced to sell their equity stakes in Spanish corporations.
Moodys cuts to bank ratings have companies reviewing their bank relationships.
Bee colonies handle too-big-to-fail by swarming; employ distributed decision making.
Just 1% of small companies say the JOBS Act makes it more likely theyll go public.
Japanese economy expands at faster-than-expected annual rate of 4.1% in Q1.
With yields at record lows, Big Blue may sell 3-yrs at spread of 45 to 47 basis points.
Impasse on forming government raises questions about euro membership.
Thirty finance executives who have made a difference this year. (Karen Matusinec of McDonald's)
Global inclusiveness inches up at the top: 30 outstanding Women in Finance. (Eliane Okamura of Ford Motor)