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Congratulations to BMS on winning the 2024 Alexander Hamilton Overall Excellence Award!
Too much focus on tech capabilities now could impede innovation later, survey respondents say.
74% of workers would consider leaving for a new role if it offered additional education or career opportunities.
When an individual moves into a new role, or even to a different department, the organization retains all the hidden benefits of keeping established staff.
How finance leaders can boost "intent to stay" among the people driving their digital transformation.
The 2023 AFP Compensation Survey shows treasury and finance professionals earned an average 5% increase on their base pay in 2022.
A greater emphasis on developing leaders who can inspire trust is emerging.
The ever changing socio-economic landscape will continue to alter the employment landscape as we know it.
Steps organizations and individuals can take to build confidence and reduce obstacles to treasury leadership.
Soft skills are becoming increasingly important in treasury leaders, as the treasurer role becomes a stepping stone to the job of CFO.