Most CFOs want to abolish quarterly guidance pronouncements, according to a recent survey. That's not surprising since most companies can't even get their annual in-house forecasts right.
Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.'s $275 million write-down on auction-rate securities partially collateralized by subprime mortgages was more than just the biggest loss by a nonfinancial company related to subprime investments: It has become the stimulus to reopen the debate on whether corporate treasuries should operate as a cost center or, on...
Even though finance executives from midsize companies rank an economic slowdown as their biggest fear. more than one-third of those responding to Treasury & Risk's 2008 Middle Market Survey plan expand their staffs over the next 12 months.
WinWholesale started with A/P and A/R when the plumbing and electrical distributor set out to centralize treasury operations at a company that seemed to defy the concept of centralization
Three CFOs from some of the largest and most high profile companies around--Citigroup, Home Depot and Intel--share their thoughts on how finance can help steer a company's strategy through rough economic waters
Retail operations face problems getting hard cash into the bank quickly. Now, banks are coming to them, through mini-vaults that let them deposit, get credit and sometimes even withdraw