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“Project Mars” will develop an electronic system for investors to request allocations of new debt.
The list of nonfinancial companies with the largest debt load is dominated by the tech sector.
Nearly 80 percent of outstanding loans lack maintenance covenants, in deals dubbed “covenant lite.”
Below-zero yields on corporate debt suggest "Japanification" redux.
Some analysts see a parallel between the housing market bubble of the early 2000s and the current market for corporate borrowing.
'Reverse Yankee bonds' are an issuers' market right now, prompting several major U.S. businesses to issue debt across the pond.
Companies are expected to focus on paying down debt in 2019, with the goal of boosting stock prices.
XPO Logistics is issuing $1 billion of bonds to refinance debt and fund additional buybacks.
Did the Fed know what credit markets didn't? Banks are tightening lending standards at the fastest rate since mid-2016.
What to do about the conflicts of interest prevalent in today's corporate borrowing.