What pension plan sponsor wouldn't kill to lay off longevity risk by investing in a new breed of index products? Three big market players are experimenting with possible hedging options
With automatic enrollment quickly becoming a standard, companies are looking for better returns on the default options they offer 401(k) participants who don't like to choose
Mental illness may be on the road to getting the same kind of coverage that physical ailments do, thanks to congress. The good news is that employers may actually see some unexpected cost savings
Linking a portion of an employee's compensation to performance is, in theory, a good idea. But it doesn't always measure up in practice if the company turns out to measuring someone else's performance
After years on the endangered species list, defined benefit (DB) plans have halted what many considered their slide toward extinction, according to two new surveys by benefits consultant Watson Wyatt Worldwide.
While few would argue with employers' desires to contain healthcare costs and get the greatest value for their dollars, just how to achieve those results is a matter of debate.