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“The risk of a disorderly exit has increased with this vote,” says an EU spokesman.
Proportion of CFOs who say they're growing more optimistic fell by about half from Q3/2018 to Q4/2018.
Economists and policymakers are “flying blind” as the federal government shutdown delays release of key economic indicators.
Still hoping for more concessions from the EU, May will finally put the deal to a vote in the week of January 14.
Corporate executives are considerably more pessimistic than economists.
Fed's warning on leveraged loans seconded by U.S. bank regulator.
Geopolitical tensions threaten business stability and overall growth in the region.
Maybe not, but Xi gets to delay increase in U.S. sanctions and U.S. farmers can continue selling to China during soybean harvest.
New GILTI guidance specifies that companies must allocate only half of certain domestic expenses to foreign subsidiaries.
Fed report predicts lenders would survive “elevated business bankruptcies and outsized losses” in junk bonds, but investors would suffer.