Under an amendment recently signed into law, a whistleblower may now bring a case against a business that allegedly concealed or avoided an obligation to pay tax, regardless of whether a return or any other statement was filed.
Insurers appear increasingly likely to employ computer algorithms or people with little relevant experience to issue rapid-fire denials of claims—sometimes bundles at a time—without reviewing the patient's medical chart.
"The Fed is regaining their inflation credibility, slowly. As they get inflation closer to the target, their long-run rate will again serve as a credible anchor for yields."
Some leading indicators suggest a recession is coming, while other indicators suggest the economy is healthy. Whatever the FOMC does next week, messaging will be crucial.
We're likely to replay the drama in two years, and even though the United States didn't miss a payment, the drama prompted a downgrade in the nation's credit rating and a stock market slide.