Recent events suggest that the SEC and CFTC are waging an intense battle for regulatory supremacy. It is not yet clear which agency will prevail, or whether they will find a third, cooperative path.
Although the deal has potential to ease trade tensions, a failure to effectively implement it might actually lead to further damage to the U.S.-China relationship.
Contrary to public pronouncements, an internal report prepared for the Russian government predicts that the country may face a longer and deeper recession as the impact of U.S. and European sanctions spreads.
A strong dollar helps the U.S. reduce imported inflation, but it also could destabilize the global economy, which is still trying to come to grips with declining growth and high inflation.
Physical, mental and financial wellness are inextricably linked. Improving them can not only improve the lives of employees but also have profound organizational impacts on productivity, health care costs and talent attraction and retention.